Sex Therapy
I understand these are often delicate matters. I provide a safe, respectable atmosphere for individuals, couples, extended relationships and/or families to discuss these concerns. Many issues can surface including Arousal, Desire, Orgasm, Intimacy and Pain concerns. A lot of these issues are complex and I work with an interdisciplinary team (Nurse Practitioner, Gynecologist or Urologist specializing in sexual disorders/medicine as well as a Pelvic Floor Therapist) whenever appropriate to address sexual pain concerns including Dyspareunia, Generalized Vulvodynia, High Tone Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Vaginismus, Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome and Chronic Pelvic Pain. I can also collaborate with a Urologist or Physician's Assistant with experience in sexual medicine and/or Primary Care Physician when helping address Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation and Delayed Ejaculation concerns. I'm also trained and have experience treating Geriatric Sexual Concerns and Gender issues .
I am a Certified Sex Therapist with the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). Many Psychotherapy techniques are used when addressing intimacy, communication, conflicts, etc. with couples, extended relationships and/or families; all of these factors (when not addressed) can have a detrimental effect on sexual functioning and/or desire. Anxiety and Depression; as well as Sexual Abuse/Trauma also can impact many facets of a person's sexual functioning and/or desire; these areas are all addressed and treated with evidenced based Psychotherapy techniques and when required are part of Sex Therapy.